Don’t be fooled into thinking your garbage disposal is a magical trash can in the sink that never needs to be taken out. Many people often believe they can wash anything down the kitchen sink just as long as they have a garbage disposal, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Even running hot water down the drain with the food items isn’t always enough to make some things safe for the garbage disposal. Putting items down the drain that do not belong can cause a mess in your disposal and pipes, leading to foul odors and clogs over time. Here at Dream Team Home Services, we value our customers and try our best to give you the tools you need to prevent having to call us in the first place. Read on to find the top 10 food items you should never put down the kitchen sink and into your garbage disposal.

1. Cooking Oils, Grease, and Liquid Fats

Hot oil and grease are liquids that often trick people. You may think it is safe to pour these hot liquids down the drain, maybe with hot water. However, this is a critical mistake for the health of your garbage disposal and pipes. Hot grease, fat, and oil turn to a solid as it cools and, over time, will become lodged in your plumbing, often leading to clogs. It is best to pour your grease into a glass jar or other container and then toss it in the trash after it has cooled.

2. Eggshells and Onion Peels

You may be scouring the depths of your brain to find the correlation here. What do eggshells and onion peels have in common? Both have a slimy membrane lining the inside that can stick to your blades and pipes, creating a jam in your drain. The membrane is also hazardous to the motor of your garbage disposal, as it can bog down the blades and wear the appliance out. The good news is that these food items are both excellent compost candidates.

3. Bones

Do you know what bones sound like going through the garbage disposal? If you don’t, it’s not something you want to learn. If you have heard the tortuous sound, then you’ll understand perfectly well why you shouldn’t put animal bones down the drain. Bones are much too hard for the blades of your garbage disposal to turn to mush that is safe for your pipes. In addition, the irregular shape and size of bones make them a top hazard for lodging in your pipes and creating a blockage. The pointy edges also lead to damage inside your pipes, which could lead to leaks and the need for repair or replacement. Bones should always be thrown out in the trash. Do not feed them to pets or wild animals due to the potential choking risk they pose.

4. Greasy Foods

Though not as obvious as pure liquid grease or oil, greasy foods are a top hazard for your drain, plumbing lines, and garbage disposal. The fatty grease may wash off the foods when you put them down the drain with water. This grease or fat will harden as it dries and cools, sticking to the inside of your garbage disposal, drain, or pipes. Throw greasy and oily foods away and skip the dangers of clogging your plumbing system. This hazard can be far-reaching, with the potential to clog from the drain all the way to the sewer.

5. Coffee Grounds

One of the top things plumbers see in clogged drains is coffee grounds. Coffee grounds are sneaky, as you would think they would wash away with ease given the size. However, coffee grounds actually tend to clump together when you put them down the drain, creating a large glob in the plumbing. It’s best to compost them or toss them in the trash.

6. Pasta and Rice

Pasta and rice, along with certain other soft foods, tend to enlarge and expand when mixed with water. This holds true whether they are cooked or raw. Putting these food items down the drain could cause a backup as they clump together with other foods and grow into a blob. Lower your need for emergency plumbing services and simply toss pasta, rice, and other soft expansive foods into the trash can.

7. Potato Skins

Potato skins are often thin and small, allowing them to escape the pulping action of your garbage disposal. As they slip by, these starchy and sticky food pieces can gather in a clump and trap other foods as well, creating a clogged drain. Potato skins, along with other vegetables, are great for tossing in slop for your outdoor pets or composting. They even make good starters for next year’s garden.

8. Fibrous Fruits and Vegetables

The stringy fibers of some fruits and vegetables can wrap around the blades of your garbage disposal. This can cause your disposal to weaken mechanically over time. It also causes other food particles to get wrapped up in them, creating a blockage. Foods such as celery, artichokes, asparagus, pineapple, and citrus are possible hazards to your garbage disposal. Fruit peels, however, can be beneficial for your garbage disposal as a cleaner and odor-eliminator. Just make sure you remove the fruit fully and cut the peels into small enough pieces to move through effortlessly without clogging your pipes.

9. Produce Stickers

We know stickers aren’t food. But did you know that many people don’t even consider these sticky little labels when they toss peels down the drain? Given the material and adhesive backing, produce stickers can get jammed in the drain and disposal. We all know that one little jam can lead to the accumulation of more and ultimately make an emergency plumbing situation in your kitchen. As with any non-food item, put the produce stickers in the trash where they belong.

10. Flour

Mixing flour with water creates a gooey, sticky glob of dough. That’s exactly what will happen when you pour flour down your sink. Then you’ll be faced with that glob sitting in your garbage disposal or drain pipe, blocking other food and liquid from getting through. If left in the drain for a long period of time, this doughy ball can harden, creating a crusty disaster. Skip the risk and toss flour into the trash.

Now that you’ve learned some tips on keeping your garbage disposal in working order, you’ll have a better foundation for avoiding plumbing emergencies. However, we know that unexpected problems come up from time to time. That’s why our highly trained and skilled plumbers at Dream Team Home Services are on standby and ready to help. With more than 20 years of experience, we know pretty much everything there is to know about drains and plumbing. Call us today for professional and reliable plumbing services in the Tampa area.

Meet the Author
Abby Steele
Abby Steele

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